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The JoD on a Podcast Near You!

Journal of Democracy essays go beyond the page. Below are five recent podcasts featuring JoD authors discussing their essays with historians, journalists, students, and democracy scholars. Listen, read, and learn!

On Dictatorial Drift, Autocracy Promotion, and Strategies to Oppose Them — RevDem podcast
Featuring Grzegorz Ekiert and Noah Dasanaike on their Journal of Democracy essay “The Return of Dictatorship.”

Is Democracy Failing to Deliver? — People, Power, Politics podcast
Featuring Thomas Carothers and Brendan Hartnett on their Journal of Democracy essay “Misunderstanding Democratic Backsliding.”

Majoritarianism Without Majorities — In Conversation with Kanchan Chandra — RevDem podcast
Featuring Kanchan Chandra on her Journal of Democracy essay “Majoritarianism Without Majorities.”

Why Almost Everything You Think About Protests in Africa Is Wrong — People, Power, Politics podcast
Featuring Zoe Marks on her Journal of Democracy essay “African Popular Protest and Political Change.”

How Are Southeast Asia’s Toxic Alliances Undermining the Region’s Prospects for Democracy? — People, Power, Politics podcast
Featuring Duncan McCargo and Rendy Wadipalapa on their Journal of Democracy essay “Southeast Asia’s Toxic Alliances.”

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Image Credit: Presidential Executive Office of Russia