The Democracy Barometers (Part I): The Rise of Populism and the Left in Latin America

Issue Date July 2007
Volume 18
Issue 3
Page Numbers 81-95
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AmericasBarometer data point to some overall trends that merit careful attention. The ideological center of gravity in Latin America is, by world standards, slightly to the right, yet attitudes are moving to the left. Ideological cleavages in Latin America, long after the Cold War’s end, still line up along a distinct left-right dimension, and voters support parties consistent with their ideological orientations. The gap between left and right is very narrow, however, in some countries like Costa Rica, but strikingly wide in other countries such as Chile, El Salvador, and Nicaragua.

About the Author

Mitchell A. Seligson is Centennial Professor of Political Science and Professor of Sociology at Vanderbilt University. He is the director of the Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP), which carries out the AmericasBarometer surveys.

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